A misleading Shell ad is now banned!

This post is a part of the 'Positivity Posters' live art installation at New York Climate Week 2023, where Climativity teamed up with 8 artists to highlight the best news story of each month of the year.

This story is the best of June!

The Story

Fossil fuel companies are some of the biggest and worst greenwashers in the world, meaning their advertising makes them seem a lot more environmentally friendly than they are.

To the average consumer of these ads, that's no surprise. They've typically gotten away with it through vague claims and specific languaging that acts as a loophole around false advertising.

Until now! The UK has banned an ad by Shell for misleading consumers. This ad gave the impression that a high amount of its business is lower-carbon or renewable energy, which is not the case. This is basically the perfect example of greenwashing, and Big Oil is finally getting held accountable for lying to the public.

This story means that Big Oil and the world's worst polluters may not be able to continue marketing themselves as environmentally friendly while ignoring the true negative impacts of their operations and products.

Shell’s latest greenwashing ad ban marks a tipping point for big oil’s eco campaigns
The landmark ad ban could set a precedent for all fossil fuel energy companies to be branded greenwashers when advertising ‘green’ energy.

Take Action

Clean Creatives is a nonprofit project dedicated to ending fossil fuel advertising and greenwashing.

If you're a creative, marketer, agency, or creator, you can sign their pledge to decline work with fossil fuel companies.