Amazon deforestation is down 68%!

This post is a part of the 'Positivity Posters' live art installation at New York Climate Week 2023, where Climativity teamed up with 8 artists to highlight the best news story of each month of the year.

This story is the best of April!

The Story

Brazil's president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (commonly known as Lula) ran on a campaign promise to end Amazon rainforest deforestation. A very ambitious promise, that he's been dedicated to keep.

The data is in for this month, and deforestation has dropped an impressive 68% compared to last April. Through a series of indigenous land recognitions, monetary incentives, task forces, and determination, it appears that Brazil's section of the Amazon is trending in the right direction.

This story means that there is hope for the survival of the rainforest home to the world's greatest biodiversity.

Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon falls 68% in April, first major drop under Lula
Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest fell 68% in April from the previous year, preliminary government data showed on Friday, a positive reading for President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as it represents the first major drop under his watch.

Take Action

The main causes of deforestation are illegal agriculture, logging, and mining.

Thus, you can adjust your consumption to reduce the need for these practices, effectively helping the rainforests stay intact.

  • Eat less meat
  • Avoid palm oil
  • Swap out virgin paper for recycled alternatives
  • Ensure your jewelry comes from ethical sources