Over 1.5 million sign letters to stop Willow

Hey beautiful people! I appreciate each and every one of you and don't forget it.

Happy Friday, enjoy a few minutes of great news, and have fun this weekend.

Climativity is climate positivity, good climate news, environmental progress, and impactful eco-friendly actions to better yourself and planet Earth.
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It was a great week, and here's why...

Over 1.5 million people sign a letter to #StopWillow!

The Willow Project is a catastrophic $8 billion proposal to drill into the Alaskan wilderness that will pollute as much as 76 coal power plants, with the approval or denial taking place on March 6th. After environmental communicators caught wind, they (myself included) made videos reaching tens of millions of people, and generating over 1.5 million signatures to stop this project. While this number exploded in just a short week, it can get even higher before the deadline, and every signature counts!

Photo by Thomas Richter / Unsplash

2022 generated enormous levels of renewable energy!

Last week while in southern California, I passed by the largest wind farm I've ever seen. For miles, we passed hundreds of wind turbines of all shapes and sizes on the way to Joshua Tree National Park. I was filled with awe. And now even more so, after learning that the energy generated from wind and solar in 2022 was enough to power the equivalent of 64 million average American households. For some context, there are 140 million homes in the US. We're getting there!

By Thouny - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32491149

The coolest plant* ever was rediscovered after 30 years!

When in France last summer, I spent hours in Phoenix Parc, an incredible garden filled with animals and plants that I had never heard of. From tiny leaves stitched with white cobweb patterns to the biggest plant I've ever seen that towered at least 20 feet high, it was one of my favorite places in the whole country. The Fairy Lantern (Thismia kobensis) grows underground, depends on fungi for nutrition, and would have fit right in.

A single specimen of this alien species was discovered in Kobe City, Japan, in 1992. Unfortunately, its habitat was destroyed in construction, and it was deemed extinct. Yet after 30 years, it was rediscovered just 20 miles from the original location!

🤳 Watch me walk around and talk about good climate news 👀


Today’s a great day because I’m now planting trees just by walking! Treecard is a great solution to help the planet without making any big lifestyle changes. @treecard #itsagreatday #treecard #plantingtrees #sustainablefinances #walkmore

♬ Pieces (Solo Piano Version) - Danilo Stankovic
This one's a collaboration with Tree Card!

Tree Card is simple: walk 10,000 steps, and they'll plant a tree. As someone who walks almost 10,000 steps every single day, this collaboration was a no-brainer for me. Give the video above and the brand some love, and download the app to plant trees just by walking. (You can also get their debit card that plants even more trees for each purchase, but you don't have to!)

If this video isn't playing properly, view it here.

Let's take some climate action...

👀 Watch it: David Attenborough's 3.5-minute closing speech from the documentary Blue Planet 2 is inspiring, moving, and motivating. The documentary as a whole was a big factor in pushing me into climate, and if you've never seen it, give the speech a watch.

🛍️ Get it: I'm going to SXSW with Clean Creatives and Ben & Jerry's from March 10-13th in Austin, Texas, to spread awareness of the harm of fossil fuel greenwashing and hand out very nontraditional ice cream flavors. More details will come soon, but if you or someone you know lives in Texas or are planning on attending SXSW, get your free tickets to our main event, and our panel.

Do it: Yes, I'm repeating myself, but only because signing the letter to stop Willow literally takes 10 seconds, and can make a true difference throughout all our future and beyond. Please, give your signature to this cause.

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Stay cool,
