There are 8,514 of us :)

You read that subject right, this week alone, these good news stories have reached over 8,514 people! And that's before I even hit send on this newsletter.

While this is sent out on Friday mornings, I walk around New York (or, currently, California) and talk about good news throughout the week. Most of these get posted on my TikTok.

Follow along if that's your cup of tea, and help spread more good climate stories.

Climativity is climate positivity, good climate news, environmental progress, and impactful eco-friendly actions to better yourself and planet Earth.
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It was a great week, and here's why...

Europe bans all gas cars starting in 2035

The first time I saw a Tesla, I was obsessed. Why would anyone not want this sleek, all-electric, touch-screen-filled car from the future? But while we all have our preferences, the age of the combustion engine is officially over. If you're thinking about getting an electric car, pretty soon, there won't be much of a debate. The answer will be an automatic yes (or live in a city and don't have a car at all).

Photo by sempre dilunedi / Unsplash

Beavers are returning to London after 400 years

In the 16th century, beavers were hunted to extinction in London for their meat and fur. After having successful reintroductions into the UK and Scotland, it's London's turn for a second chance.

Photo by Mischa Frank / Unsplash

Tokyo says new homes now need solar panels

So you can't buy a new gas-powered car in the EU, but that's not all. Starting in 2025, you also can't buy a new home in Tokyo without solar panels (if the house was built by a large-scale builder). How great is it that being eco-friendly will soon no longer be a choice!?

🀳 Watch me walk around and talk about good climate news πŸ‘€


5 reasons why today’s a great day! #goodnews #climateoptimism #climativity πŸŒπŸŒŽπŸŒπŸ’š

♬ Cornfield Chase - Hans Zimmer

If this video isn't playing properly, view it here.

Let's take some climate action...

πŸ‘€ Watch it: Get ready to binge. Waterbear is an entirely free streaming platform full of nature and earth documentaries. I just signed up and have already learned about sea otters, goats, and crazy wild animal encounters. Β 

πŸ›οΈ Get it: Switch to Atmos, my green bank of choice, and get $10 while also donating $10 to Vote Solar which is fighting "for a 100% clean energy transition that puts the interests, health and well-being of people at its center".

βœ… Do it: You've probably heard about the hazardous material-filled train derailment and explosion in East Palestine, Ohio by now. If you haven't, it's tragic and scary. Here are a bunch of different funds you can donate to and help out the impacted animals and families.

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Find more good news on my TikTok.

Anything else? Hit reply and say hi :) I actually do want your feedback!

Stay cool,
