Let's end 2022 on a high note

It was a great week this week, and here's why:

  1. We've raised over $30 for climate nonprofits just by bringing in new subscribers to Climativity. For this last week of the year, $3 more will get donated for every new subscriber! Help us get to $50 by sending this signup link to someone who could use a boost of optimism*. (If this was sent to you, subscribe HERE).
  2. Another newsletter I read called Climate Foresight had a great edition earlier this week about biodiversity, a credit card that plants trees, and nuclear fusion. "Climate change is disrupting businesses and the entire economy! Once a week in your inbox: ideas, data figures, and success stories to keep you on top. Less than a 4-minute read to get smarter about climate" – check it out right here.
  3. It's the last week before holiday for a lot of us, and we're almost through!🥳

Let's end 2022 on a high note. :)

😊 Good News 12/17-12/23

German trains are getting rid of single-use plastics!
While I don’t think I’ve ever been served food on a train, every time I get a meal on a plane I get a little annoyed thinking about all the waste. Everything is a single-use item, from the serving dishes to the plastic cups and utensils. But Deutsche Bahn, Germany’s
True story: I once chugged 7 plastic water bottles over the course of an hour because I had to pee for a drug test at a skating competition. It wasn't smart. But have you ever gotten a plastic water bottle or cup on a train or a plain? A few gulps down the hatch and it's tossed out, likely destined to sit in a landfill for hundreds of years. Cups, dishes, bottles, and utensils deserve more than a 15-second lifespan, and trains in Germany are making that happen! 


Endangered species are being saved by brave park rangers on electric e-bikes! #goodnews #itsagoodday #climativity #endangeredspecies #ebikes

♬ A Moment Apart - ODESZA
I love zipping around New York on an e-bike. It's all the fun of biking with none of the strain (Don't worry, I always wear a helmet). But I never realized how much good these bikes could really do. In Mozambique, they're directly contributing to the end of poaching! 

Tigers, Otters, and Parrots are recovering from near extinction!
Most of what we hear about wild animals is quite sad. Populations dwindling and animals heading towards extinction seems to be a common occurence. Yet for some, things are actually improving. In this list of six reasons to be hopefully for the future of out wild places, several species are
A lot of news from the natural world doesn't make it into Climativity, because frankly, it's not the best. But there are some species that are making an inspiring recovery!


I just found out about Hoja Nueva and their incredible work saving 260+ animals and protecting the Amazon rainforest! #goodnews #itsagreatday #hojanueva #rehabilitation #amazonrainforest

♬ A Moment Apart - ODESZA
There's nothing that motivates me more than stories of people making the world a better place. After learning about Samantha Zwicker, she's instantly become one of my role models. Founding an organization that protects the Amazon rainforest is just the start of it!

Nature is officially protected!
For the first time ever, nations have come together and agreed to protect 30% of Earth’s nature by 2030! If you can’t tell through reading, I’m extremely, extremely excited about this. It took two weeks of grueling negotiations at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15), but this is truly monument…
The UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) just concluded, and some really great progress was made. The beauty of our planet can't be put into words – it's truly the most amazing thing we have access to. And now, 190 countries are ensuring that at least 30% of Earth's nature is protected forever.

Watch it: Life in Color with David Attenborough is a Netflix documentary focused entirely on the world of color in wild animals, and it's awesome. I watched it last week with my brother, and we were "whoa"ing and "wow"ing every 5 minutes.

Cook it: Today's no-waste taste is dehydrated produce, no recipe needed. We just did this last night! Slice your bananas, tomatoes, and mango thinly and place in a dehydrator at 160ºF overnight. That's literally it! If you don't have a dehydrator, you can use an oven, but you'll likely want to flip halfway through and check in every so often.

Get it: Atmos bank invests all your money into climate solutions, tracks your impact (I've already reduced 3.5 tons of CO2e or 7,971 miles), and gives you & 1% For the Planet $10 just for signing up. Oh, plus their debit card looks like a tree.

💚 Enjoy Climativity?

Forward it to a friend & let them know that every new subscriber through the end of the year will bring a $3 donation to climate nonprofits – subscribe here.

Anything else? Hit reply to say hi :) I want your feedback!

Stay cool,


*Donations split evenly between Greenpeace, WWF, & The Nature Conservancy. Maximum $5,000.